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Your Social Media Strategy In a Crisis: 4 Tips


Social media can be a powerful tool for managing a public relations crisis. However, many businesses don’t know how to use it effectively and end up making things worse.

So if you need help figuring out what to do in a crisis and how to build a defense strategy, you’re in the right place.

In this blog post, we’ll share four tips on how to use social media during a crisis.


Social Media Strategy Best Practices

Determine If a Response is Necessary

Before you post anything on social media, it’s essential to take a step back to think things through and analyze the crisis. You and your social media team should have a strategy. Responding hastily and seeing how it goes won’t take you far.

While issuing a statement will most likely be necessary, not every comment warrants a response on social media, and in some cases, it can be more damaging than helpful.

If you’re not sure whether or not you should respond, you should consult a Crisis Public Relations expert.


Reassure Your People on Social Media

In times of uncertainty or change, it’s essential to reassure the people affected most that you’re taking the crisis seriously and doing everything possible to remedy it.

Remember that social media is a public forum, so avoid making any promises you can’t keep or remarks you don’t want quoted in a newspaper.


For more proven tips on how to prepare for crises, craft your message, and mitigate the damage of a crisis, check out our Crisis PR Guides.


Honesty’s the Best Policy (So Don’t Lie on Social Media)

When communicating with your followers on social media, it’s important to be honest and human. This means using plain language, being candid, and sincerely apologizing if you’re at fault. What this doesn’t mean is rushing out before your legal counsel and PR team has approved any statement.

People will appreciate your transparency and honesty, which can help rebuild the trust between you and your customers.


Deliver on Your Promises

Delivering on your promises is essential to rebuilding trust after a crisis. If you make a promise to your customers, it’s extremely important to follow through. Failing to do so will damage your credibility and can create more chaos than if you promised nothing in the first place.

Resist the urge to make empty promises simply because they sound nice or you believe will soothe the public. That’s a recipe for disaster, and it could make the crisis even worse.

By following these tips, businesses can use social media effectively during a PR crisis and help minimize the negative impact on their brand.


Need help building strategies so you can navigate a crisis? Want experts to guide your social media team?

If you’re currently facing a crisis and you need urgent help with your crisis social media response, call us at (310) 396-8696 to discover how our services will protect your business’s reputation and minimize the damage of a crisis.


Gillott CommunicationsFaviconinitials is a Los Angeles-based public relations firm that specializes in high-stakes Crisis & Reputation Management with more than 50 years of expertise in strategic communications, corporate public relations, and working with the media.

Follow us on Instagram and LinkedIn where we share amazing tips & best practices on how to prepare for crises, craft your message, and protect your hard-built reputation.

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