Breaking up is hard to do. So do it right. What’s your goal? That nobody noticed? That you catch and keep the other side off balance so they can’t recover publicly? It’s…
Tag: problems
It’s a fun word for a bad idea. Hard to say — and even think — without smiling. Try. What’s it mean? “Preferring concepts or facts one wishes to be true, rather…
Don’t Fumble, Again
Wonder who’s really boss? Follow the money and find out. Roger Goodell can’t catch a break. It’s been a tough year for the NFL commissioner. Wrestling with how to mete out penalties…
Think You’re Ready? Think Again.
Don’t let it get personal. Or you lose sight of the goal. “Nothing rattles me,” the young executive routinely assures colleagues. Makes sense. That’s her job. She is the voice of calm…
Untethered & Angst-Ridden
Life with digital tether is a blessing and a curse. Some professionals are tethered to their work 24/7. Doctors. Lawyers. Executives and business owners. Crisis PR people. Problems don’t take time…
Last to Know. First to Go.
When cleaning house, the axe falls fast and without favor. Historically, this one-liner was applied to basic PR people — those who do marketing or general communications. They are routinely kept outside…
Greatest Fear, Fondest Hope
Hoping for the best rarely works. Finding a “fixer” does. Fear and hope are never far apart when facing a threat that could tarnish a reputation, years in the making. So much…
The Fixers
You don’t need to like other people. But you do need to love the game. “Hell is other people.” ~ Existentialist French philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre in his 1944 play “No Exit.”…
We’re All Storytellers
Honesty is good for the soul — as long as it’s confidential We’re all trying to make our cases to achieve our goals. Doesn’t matter whether we’re lawyers arguing in court, businessmen…
More Than a Little. Less Than Too Much.
Taking control doesn’t clear you. But it buys you breathing room. A professional liar and a PR guy walk into a bar. How can you tell the difference? This is fill-in-the-blank humor.…