How would you feel if all eyes were suddenly on you? You’re put on the spot, and millions of people are watching your company drown in disasters affecting its public image. All…
Tag: mistakes
Learning from Your Mistakes (United Airlines Edition)
In the end, United (finally) got it right. But only after days of excruciatingly bad publicity. Were its belated positive actions too little and too late to repair its image? United’s floundering…
Why It’s So Hard To Say You Screwed Up
This year’s Academy Awards were one for the books. Some are calling it a plot twist. Some, a publicity stunt. Still, others are just enjoying pointing fingers. Details and speculation have been…
You Should’ve Called Earlier
Don’t wait until the last minute to ask for help. Call early, and you have more options. Call later, and you have fewer. A business owner was the target of scurrilous gossip…
3 Ways to Handle a Mistake
You’ve made a mistake. Now what? We all make mistakes. How you handle it is crucial. Clients usually fall into three categories: Category 1: Least effective. Live in denial or delusion.…
6 Bad Habits That’ve Become Common
Forget making New Year Resolutions. Instead, stop doing these 6 things. Stop lying. The beautiful thing about telling the truth is that you don’t have to remember what story you told.…
Short Gain, Long Value
Winning a fight is nice. Winning the war is better. Mutual fund guru John Bogle leaves no doubt where he stands — in the same spot as investor Warren Buffett: Chasing short-term…
“So, what do you do?”
“When you’re fresh meat, kill and throw them something fresher.” ~ Frank Underwood in House of Cards “We’re fixers. We’re crisis managers. It’s not about solving a crime. It’s not about justice.…
Last to Know. First to Go.
When cleaning house, the axe falls fast and without favor. Historically, this one-liner was applied to basic PR people — those who do marketing or general communications. They are routinely kept outside…