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How to Stop Customers from Leaving During a Crisis: 4 Steps

How To Stop Customers From Leaving During A Crisis: 4 Steps - Blog Cover Photos

It’s not uncommon to have a PR crisis. In fact, it doesn’t matter how big or small your business is, and it always seems to hit when it’s “not a good time.”

So what do you do when your business finds itself in the middle of a PR nightmare? How do you respond during a crisis?

Your options are:

1. Try to ignore it and hope that the negative publicity will eventually blow over (and probably lose quite a few of your loyal customers or clients while waiting), OR

2. Actively manage the situation so you aren’t trying to win back your customers.

The decision always lies with you, but if you choose to take control of the situation and put your customers first, here are four steps to prevent customers from leaving during a PR crisis.


Related Post: When You Take Transparency a Step Too Far


Step 1: Improve Your Customers’ Experience

Once you’ve lost a customer, winning them back is difficult.

If they’re on the fence and still hesitant about buying from you again, it’s possible to regain their trust. You can do this by leveling up your customer service team and going above and beyond to exceed their expectations.

During a crisis and after it has hit, customers will reach out to you, and you don’t want to leave them hanging. If you’ve been thinking about fixing any areas that need improvement in your customer service, now’s the time to act.

Your business’s customer support team is often the first and only line of communication with your customers. So make sure you focus your efforts on wowing your customers with their experience while responding to their inquiries.

Make sure you have a customer service team that is responsive and helpful. Respond to complaints as soon as possible, and never overlook an inquiry.


Step 2: Apologize Sincerely for the Situation

A sincere apology is the first and most crucial step in the process of winning back your business customers after a PR crisis.

This can be done publicly or privately, depending on the issue. The more heartfelt your apology, the better your chances are of recovering from this fallout.

But not any apology will cut it. The internet is sick of templated apologies used by a sea of big corporations. Directly address the customers’ concerns while communicating the steps you’ve set out to take to fix the problem. And finally, act on your promise for improvement.


Step 3: Don’t Be Defensive When Addressing the Crisis

When you respond, don’t try to justify or offer excuses for what happened. And, of course, don’t shift the blame to others.

Not only can customers usually tell if you’re being defensive from a mile away, but they’ll also automatically assume you’re at fault and are deflecting or, even worse, are trying to cover something up.

The best thing you could do is own up to mistakes or blind spots, be honest, and tell the truth. This will go a long way when repairing the damage caused by the PR crisis.

Remember, however, that transparency and honesty do not imply full openness. Learn more about striking a balance here.


Step 4: Leverage Negative Reviews to Improve Your Business

Negative reviews can either be seen as a blessing or a curse for your business. Don’t take them personally, and use the legit, troll-free reviews as an opportunity to improve your business.

Always take a breath, relax, and respond professionally and politely to negative feedback. If you reply unprofessionally, you’ll do more harm to your business.

If you show that you’re responsive to customer feedback, it can actually boost your business’s image and bottom line.


For more amazing tips on how to protect your business reputation and respond to crises, check out A Business Owner’s Guide to Crisis PR: Protecting You & Your Business’ Reputation.

Do you need assistance coping with a crisis and preparing for the next one? Call us at (310) 396-8696 for a 15-minute consultation to learn how we can help you.


FaviconinitialsGillott Communications is a Los Angeles-based public relations firm that specializes in high-stakes Crisis & Reputation Management with more than 50 years of expertise in strategic communications, corporate public relations, and working with the media.

Follow us on Instagram and LinkedIn where we share amazing tips on how to protect your reputation, prevent crises, and mitigate damage during a crisis.

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