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Doing What Comes Naturally


No missteps allowed. They may be fatal.

We all do what comes naturally. For most of us, that includes breathing and moving about, and for some, thinking deeply. Beyond that, it usually depends on our career. For doctors, unraveling medical mysteries. For mathematicians, solving riddles. For politicians… sorry, nothing to brag.


For those in Crisis & Reputation Management, it’s working with the media.

The media also qualifies as a mystery and riddle. And because of client confidentiality, no reputable Crisis PR person would — or should — brag publicly in detail about his cases.

Outside the industry, it’s also a mystery to most people what a Crisis PR person truly does. Some think it’s simply writing a press release. Others believe he has every journalist beholden to them and calls in chits to promote or kill stories. If only life were so simple. (It’s not.)


In truth, the Crisis PR person and journalist are doing a dance, and it’s highly choreographed.

They understand each other, respect each other’s power, and have their own agendas.

Bottom line: The journalist wants a good story. The PR person helps shape the story while positioning their client as favorably as possible. The client just wants the situation made better.


Strategy and tactics in Crisis PR depend on knowing the real story.

Half-truths hurt the client. They make it impossible to differentiate between what’s desirable and what’s feasible — and that makes it difficult to redeem a reputation.

Is this dance easy to learn? No. It can take years. Working with the media isn’t rocket science. But it is high stakes, intense and unforgiving. No missteps are allowed because they may be fatal.

This is why the best people in Crisis & Reputation Management were themselves journalists at major news organizations. They walked the proverbial mile and know of what they speak.


FaviconinitialsGillott Communications is a Los Angeles-based public relations firm that specializes in high-stakes Crisis & Reputation Management with more than 50 years of expertise in strategic communications, corporate public relations, and working with the media.

Follow us on Instagram and LinkedIn where we share amazing tips on how to protect your reputation and mitigate damage during a crisis.

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