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Board Member’s Guide: When to Bring in a Crisis PR Professional

Board Meeting

When you were invited to join the board, you imagined a journey of calm seas. Your compass was set on giving back and supporting your community, and you hoped for smooth sailing.

But just like an unexpected storm can whip up at sea, so too can a public relations crisis disrupt your organization’s journey, leaving you feeling lost in a tempest without a lifeboat.

Understanding the signs of a storm on the horizon is essential for navigating safely. Likewise, recognizing the signals of a brewing PR crisis is vital for your organization’s survival and its ability to create impact.


Your Non-Profit’s Voyage: Understanding the Stakeholder Waters

Imagine sailing across a vast sea, where each wave, current, and landmass represents different stakeholders – donors, volunteers, beneficiaries, the general public, and partner organizations.

So, how do you spot a storm brewing and understand when it’s time to call for a seasoned sea captain – or, in this case, a crisis PR professional?


Spotting the Squall: Signs Your Non-Profit Needs a Crisis PR Expert

Like a sailor recognizes the signs of an impending storm, board members must learn to identify a PR crisis.

Here are some expressions or sentiments that may indicate it’s time to call in a crisis PR professional:

  1. “We’ve got this. We don’t need to call our attorney.” – One of the main reasons non-profits end up in trouble in the first place is because they aren’t asking for professional opinions – whether that’s legal, accounting, or HR issues. This same overconfidence in a crisis can lead to long-term damage. It’s essential to know when to seek professional advice. If we ask, “And what does your attorney think about this?” and your response is, “I don’t know.” then it’s time to hang up and call your attorney first.
  2. “We’re not aligned on how to manage this situation.” – Discord on the board in the face of crisis suggests the need for a professional’s guiding hand. In order to be effective, everyone must be rowing in the same direction.
  3. “We’re losing key volunteers or staff over this.” – When critical team members jump ship during a crisis, it’s time for external support.
  4. “Our community is losing faith in us.” – Erosion of trust among the people you serve is a clear sign you need a crisis PR professional.
  5. “The media is painting us in a bad light.” – Negative media attention calls for an expert to manage the narrative.
  6. “Our partner organizations are distancing themselves.” – A shrinking support network indicates that you need professional crisis PR help.
  7. “Our reputation has taken a severe hit.” – Serious reputational damage warrants the assistance of a crisis PR professional to help navigate and restore trust.
  8. “Our funding is being jeopardized.” – When your financial stability is at risk, it’s time to call in the experts.
  9. “Our donors are questioning their contributions.” – Doubt among your donors is a vital sign you need professional help.
  10. “Our mission is being compromised.” – If your core purpose is under threat, bringing in a crisis PR professional is crucial.
  11. “The AG won’t be happy about this.” – Expert crisis management is necessary when legal issues loom and you’ve caught the attention of the Attorney General.
  12. “The same issues keep arising.” – Recurring problems indicate deeper issues that a professional can address.
  13. “This isn’t going away.” – A persistent issue is like a lingering storm; it’s time to bring in a crisis PR professional.
  14. “Our team is burning out.” – If your crew is exhausted from managing the crisis, it’s time to call reinforcements.
  15. “I’m not sure how to handle this.” – Uncertainty in a storm is a clear sign you need an experienced hand at the helm.

Recognizing these signs will help you chart a course with the help of a crisis PR professional, steering you safely through the storm and back to calm seas.


Navigating Through the Storm

When a PR storm hits, swift action is vital. The sooner you bring in a crisis PR professional, the better your chances of weathering the tempest and preserving your organization’s reputation.

Do You Need Assistance Weathering the Storm? If your non-profit is facing a PR crisis and needs to protect your organization’s reputation, call us now at (310) 396-8696 for a 15-minute consultation.

We have decades of experience handling some of the most iconic crises and, more importantly, managing all of the scandals you never got to hear or read about.


FaviconinitialsGillott Communications is a Los Angeles-based public relations firm that specializes in high-stakes Crisis & Reputation Management with more than 50 years of expertise in strategic communications, corporate public relations, and working with the media.

Follow us on Instagram and LinkedIn where we share amazing tips on how to protect your reputation, prevent crises, and mitigate damage during a crisis.

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