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Business Owner’s Guide: When to Bring in a Crisis PR Professional

Strategy Meeting

When you started your business, no one handed you a map. You navigated your own course, making the best decisions with the information at hand. Yet, facing a public relations crisis might feel like you’ve found yourself in uncharted territory without a compass.

Just as a map helps guide a traveler to their destination, understanding your business’s landscape and recognizing the signs of an impending crisis is crucial for survival and success.


Your Business’ Landscape: Understanding the Stakeholder Terrain

Imagine you’re navigating a vast landscape – your business’s terrain. Each hill, valley, and river represent different stakeholder groups – customers, employees, shareholders, the general public, and the local community. The objective becomes understanding this landscape and effectively managing these relationships, especially during a crisis.

But how do you know you’re heading into a storm and it’s time to call in a guide? Or, in this case, a crisis PR professional?


Recognizing the Storm: Signs You Need a Crisis PR Professional

Just as a traveler learns to read the signs of an impending storm, business owners must understand when a PR crisis is brewing. Below are phrases or sentiments that may indicate it’s time to hire a crisis PR professional:

  1. “Our reputation has taken a severe hit.” – If your reputation is suffering significantly, it’s crucial to bring in a crisis PR professional to begin the work of rebuilding trust.
  2. “There’s a possibility of this becoming public news.” – This suggests the situation could attract widespread attention outside your immediate stakeholder groups.
  3. “I’m worried about the impact on my business.” – Concern about potential negative impacts on your business can be a clear sign to seek help.
  4. “I’m not sure how to handle this.” – Uncertainty on how to navigate the crisis signals the need for professional guidance.
  5. “We’re losing business because of this.” – A noticeable decline in business due to the crisis signals the need for a crisis PR professional.
  6. “I’m receiving a lot of media inquiries.” – A sudden increase in media attention indicates a brewing or full-blown crisis.
  7. “We’re in over our heads.” – This can signal that the situation is becoming unmanageable, and you need additional expertise.
  8. “We’ve got this. We don’t need to call our attorney.” – Overconfidence in a crisis can lead to missteps. It’s essential to know when to seek professional advice. If we ask, “And what does your attorney think about this?” and your response is, “I don’t know.” then it’s time to hang up and call your attorney first.
  9. “The same issues keep arising.” – If you’re firefighting the same crisis repeatedly, it indicates that you need a professional to help address the root cause.
  10. “This isn’t going away.” – If an issue is lingering longer than you anticipated, it’s time to bring in a crisis PR professional to help manage the narrative.
  11. “I feel like we’re constantly having to defend ourselves.” – If you’re continually responding to negative press without a proactive strategy, it’s a sign you need expert help.
  12. “Our team is burning out.” – If your team shows signs of burnout from managing the crisis, it’s time to bring in external help.
  13. “I need help getting my message out.” – If you’re struggling to communicate your side of the story, it’s time to bring in a crisis PR professional.
  14. “Our stakeholders are confused.” – If your messaging isn’t clear to stakeholders, this confusion is a clear sign you need crisis PR assistance.
  15. “We’re struggling to communicate effectively with our stakeholders.” Difficulty crafting and communicating your message indicates the need for a PR expert.

Each of these statements indicates a unique challenge that you’re facing. Recognizing these signs can help guide you toward the expertise of a crisis PR professional, helping you navigate the storm and get back on course.


Chart Your Course Now

Acting quickly is vital when facing a potential PR crisis. The sooner you bring in a crisis PR professional, the better the chances of mitigating the damage and protecting your reputation.


Do You Need Crisis Communications and Crisis Management Help?

If you need to help protect your & your business’ reputation during a crisis, call us now at (310) 396-8696 for a 15-minute consultation.

We have decades of experience handling some of the most iconic crises and, more importantly, managing all of the scandals you never got to hear or read about.


FaviconinitialsGillott Communications is a Los Angeles-based public relations firm that specializes in high-stakes Crisis & Reputation Management with more than 50 years of expertise in strategic communications, corporate public relations, and working with the media.

Follow us on Instagram and LinkedIn where we share amazing tips on how to protect your reputation, prevent crises, and mitigate damage during a crisis.

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